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Maintenance of every vehicle is critical yet cumbersome. J-Tech provides an integrated solution, “JTrack” to maintain the vehicles in an effective manner, incorporating all the latest industry standards including GPS Tracking.

"JTrack” is a time-tested application and comes on a “Pay-as-you-go” model reducing the need for a high initial investment on either hardware or software.

The model provides the clients with the flexibility to pay for the product based on usage and the freedom to exit without hassles.

Visit our portal for more information.

Major Features of J-Track

  • Pay-as-you-go Model (SaaS)
  • No Investment on the hardware/Web Space
  • Security as per the highest norms and standards
  • Access from anywhere, anytime
  • Customizable Alerts and Reminders
  • Just-in-time Reports
  • GPS Kit Manufacturer with R&D
  • Android version support

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Whats Up

  • J-Tech has been implementing CRIME & CRIMINAL TRACKING NETWORK AND SYSTEMS (CCTNS) in Jammu & Kashmir in association with Navayuga Infotech.
  • J-Tech secured Salem Corporation and Erode Corporations Tender for GPS Based Vehicle Tracking Solutions.
  • J-Tech launched “Journal Online“ portal.
  • crosses 100+ Clients and 2000+ Vehicles.